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Showing posts with the label health tips

The truth you need to know about diabetes and hypertension

The truth you need to know about diabetes and hypertension 57 minutes ago Ad Buy Monitor & Test Strips I know you must have suffered greatly because of diabetes! I know of regular test needed to be carried out to manage your health condition, I know you must have spent so much on drugs and insulin injection. http:// Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that affects the way the body handles basic food components like carbohydrates, protein and fats. This is mostly due to lack or abnormality in action or effect of the hormone insulin. Access more here diab.html. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a condition that often affects people with type 2 diabetes. Researches have shown that obesity and inactivity have led to a rise in both conditions. The incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes are increasing. It is projected that the total number of people with...

Detoxification: The natural approach to improving sperm health

Prior to now, it was popularly believed that infertility is something that affects the woman alone. However, reality has shown to us now that the man is also a culprit especially if he cannot produce healthy, motile, and normal sperm cells. It is an established fact that conception is a complex process involving the man’s sperm and the woman’s egg. It is also a reality that only one sperm is needed to fertilize the egg of a woman despite the fact that millions are released in a single ejaculate. Today, a lot of things affect sperm production in men and the statistics have reflected a correlation between our lifestyle changes and the declining state recorded in producing healthy sperm cells. Drugs (both legal and illegal), alcohol and tobacco can all reduce the health of your sperm and the likelihood that you and your partner will conceive. Avoiding these substances so that the body can detox when preparing for pregnancy, will help ensure the sperm you produce ar...

Guess What The World’s Biggest Killer Disease Is?

With over 8.2 million people dying of all manner of cancer yearly, it is now the highest killer disease in the world. This is as the International Agency for Research on Cancer says Nigeria has the highest number of women dying from cervical cancer in Africa. The agency released the report on Tuesday in Geneva, Switzerland as the United Nations marked the World Cancer Day.  The report noted that the world recorded more than 14.1 million of cancer cases in 2012 while its incidence rose by 11 per cent in the last four years. The report stated, “As a single entity, cancer is the biggest cause of mortality worldwide. There is an estimated 8.2 million deaths from cancer in 2012 while 14.1 million cancer cases were recorded in the same year-equal to the population of India’s largest city Mumbai. Cancer cases worldwide will rise by 75 per cent and reach close to 25 million over the next two decades.” It added that deaths occasioned by the disease were gro...

The Effect of Tight Jeans on Men

Studies have revealed that the number of men suffering painful testicular problems is on the rise because of tight jeans. Low Fluid count and fungal infections are also being put down to the tight-fitting jeans. Men who wear tight or ill-fitting trousers or underwear which is restrictive around the groin area could be damaging their health. WHAT TIGHT JEANS DO Twisted testicles Bladder weakness Urinary tract infections Low Fluid count Fungal infection Wearing tight-fitting clothing over a prolonged period of time can lead to urinary tract infections leading to over-activity of the bladder – a type of bladder weakness as well as a low Fluid count and fungal infections………Please don’t put style before health.

MEN READ: 18 Facts You Didn’t Know About The Penis (18+).

For all the attention they direct below the belt, most men actually know very little about their penises. Here’s the knowledge you need to keep yours healthy, strong, and ready for action-for life. 1. Every p*nis was a cli**ris. Every p*nis in the womb starts as a cli**ris before hormones ‘s*x’ the brain of the to-be male. The man-hood retains the mark of its female heritage: its dark underskin and the thin ridge or seam, known as the raphe, which runs from scrotum to anus, are remnants of the fusion of the vaginal lips. 2. Penises used to have spines. Though they were lost before Neanderthals and modern humans diverged. Scientists are still not quite certain of their purpose, but they speculate that it apparently quickened the pace of an erection and is more common in promiscuous species (such as cats). 3. Fetuses can have erections! Male fetuses can have erection during the third trimester, according to ultrasound scans. 4. No brain is necessary for ejaculat...

Health Corner:For Women

Research has shown that women who engage in muscle-strengthening exercises such as weight lifting and yoga are at a lower risk of becoming diabetic. This findings come from a study which followed 100,000 women for 8 years. The study was carried out by scientists from Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Southern Denmark. The research showed that the chance of developing type 2 diabetes was cut by between 30 and 40 per cent with just three and a half hours of exercise a week. Meanwhile, just an hour's workout every seven days can cut the risk by 13 per cent and muscle-strengthening exercises such as weight lifting and yoga also fend off the condition. Women who engaged in at least 150 minutes a week of aerobic activity and at least an hour a week of muscle-strengthening activities had the most substantial risk reduction compared with inactive women. They cut their odds of developing type 2 diabetes by a third. According to Dr Richard Ell...

5 Ways to Lose Weight Without Even Trying

Read on to learn about these changes, and you may find yourself losing weight without even trying.  #1 Go Ahead and Fidget A study included in a 2005 edition of the journal Science found that people who fidgeted burned an extra 350 calories per day, and they tended to be leaner than those who did not fidget. Burning an extra 350 calories per day can result in considerable weight loss; in fact, if you burn an extra 350 calories per day, you will be one pound lighter after just 10 days. To burn more calories by fidgeting, pace around the house while you talk on the phone, or walk across the office to speak to co-workers instead of sending emails to communicate. #2 Enjoy a Cup of Coffee, or Two Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning may help you lose weight. A 2011 review published in the journal Gastroenterology Research and Practice found that individuals who were given green coffee extract lost significantly more weight than those in a control group. Specifi...

How Fitness Impacts Your Career

If you want to add fitness to your work routine, but are unsure where to find the time or energy, start by taking these baby steps: - Surrender your lunch break. You don’t have to spend every lunch hour in a fitness class, or walking outside, but choose two to three days to do it. Eat a reasonable, quick lunch at your desk when you get back. If you work at home, enforce a strict lunch break for yourself and walk away from your computer or tasks in the pursuit of fitness. - Stop snacking. You may not realize just how much you eat between meals but it all adds up. To realize the full extent of your calorie intake in a day, keep a food journal for one week. Write down every food or drink that passes your lips. You may be surprised at what you learn about yourself and what you are ingesting. Once you recognize your snack triggers, prepare to meet them with healthier options. - Phone a friend. Or text her. Or send her an email. Or just walk over to her desk, for g...

6 Simple Tips to Help You Lose Belly Fat

Want a trimmer tummy? Follow the tips below religiously and you will have a better bod in no time. Eat breakfast Before your body can run efficiently, it needs fuel. By eating within 90 minutes of waking up, you kick-start your metabolism. People who eat breakfast in the morning generally have more energy throughout the day and make better food choices. Eat regularly Eating small meals every 3 or 4 hours helps keep your metabolism running at a steady pace. Your body can only use so much energy at a time, and eating 5 or 6 small meals instead of 3 large ones makes it easier to burn off calories instead of storing them as fat. Increase fiber Fiber certainly has staying power, and it will keep you full for longer periods of time. Sourcs of fiber include fruits, vegetables and whole grain products (whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, beans and lentils). There are many options to choose from. Reduce intake of simple sugar Simple sugars contribute to b...

Health; Are You A Hypochrondiac?

WHAT IS HYPOCHONDRIA? According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (the bible of mental problems published by the American Psychiatric Association), hypochondria “is preoccupation with fears of having, or the idea that one has, a serious disease based on a misinterpretation of one or more bodily signs or symptoms.” For example, if you think that because your stool looks funky, it almost certainly means you have colon cancer, congratulations, you’re a hypochondriac. HYPOCHONDRIACS WANT A CURE Hypochondriacs don’t usually just sit back cowering in fear, waiting for the inevitable appearance of death at their door with his trusty scythe. They don’t want to die. And so they heap more trouble on themselves by heading to the doctor and demanding tests, medicine, anything that will “cure” them. HYPOCHONDRIACS ARE FICKLE WITH PHYSICIANS Some hypochondriacs have had so many blood tests, they’ll criticize the technique of th...

SEXUAL HEALTH: What You Need To Know About These 6 Common STDs

SEXUAL HEALTH: What You Need To Know About These 6 Common STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs are diseases that spread from one person to another via sexual contact. It spreads when a person carrying the disease-causing organism engages in any kind of sexual activity including, oral, vaginal, anal or genital with another partner without using protection. The best way to prevent an STD is to practice safe sex at all times. Even so, the number of STD cases is on a rise as many people do not recognise the disease quickly and therefore continue to spread it further. This article highlights some of the most common STDs one should watch out for. Chlamydia - Chlamydia is one of the most common STD’s. It is caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis which affects a man’s penile urethra and a woman’s cervix. Many times people don’t realise they’ve contracted the disease for months or even years. The most common symptoms to diagnose chlamydia include b...

Chest Pain: Symptoms And Solutions

chest pain (mastalgia) — a common complaint among women — can include chest tenderness, sharp burning pain or tightness in your chest tissue. The pain may be constant or it may occur only occasionally. chest pain can range from mild to severe. It can affect you just a few days a month, for instance just before your period, or can last for seven days or more each month. chest pain may affect you just before your period or it may continue throughout the menstrual cycle. Postmenopausal women sometimes have chest pain, but chest pain is more common in younger, premenopausal women and perimenopausal women. Most times, chest pain signals a noncancerous (benign) chest condition and rarely indicates chest cancer. Still, unexplained chest pain that doesn’t go away after one or two menstrual cycles or that persists after menopause and occurs in one specific area of your chest needs to be evaluated by your doctor. Symptoms: chest pain characteristics Clearly related to the...

Learn From This: chest and bosom Problems

Sometimes discharge from your nipplés is okay and will get better on its own. You are more likely to have nipplé discharge as you get older and if you have been pregnant at least once. Nipplé discharge is usually not a symptom of bréast cancer. But it is important to find out what is causing it and to get treatment. Here are some reasons for nipplé discharge: Pregnancy Stopping bréastfeeding Rubbing on the area from a bra or t-shirt Infection Inflammation and clogging of the bréast ducts (mammary duct ectasia) Injury to the bréast Non-cancerous brain tumors Small growth in the bréast that is usually not cancer (intraductal papilloma) Severe hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) Fibrocystic bréast (normal lumpiness in the bréast) Use of certain medicines, such as birth control pills, cimetidine, methyldopa, metoclopramide, phenothiazines, reserpine, tricyclicantidepressants, or verapamil Use of certain herbs such as anise and fennel...

4 Types of Sex to Avoid, No Matter How Good it Feels

S-E-X! It may be good for your heart, great for your mood and even work wonders on your skin, but not all types offer the same benefits. Sometimes s*x can make a bad situation worse and leave you wishing you hadn’t wasted your good underwear & clean sheets on a brief fling with s*xual mediocrity. Here are the 4 types of s*x to avoid at all cost. Break-Up s*x: It may seem appealing to take one last ride on that pony for old time’s sake, but the consequences will likely outweigh the benefits. You’re breaking up, which means something isn’t working. And even if s*x isn’t the cause of your break-up, it can complicate an already delicate situation. For instance, it’s easy for your partner to misconstrue your intentions. When it comes to break-up s*x, you don’t want your “It has been a pleasure doing business with you,” to be misinterpreted for a “Thank you. Come again!” Even if you’re the type who makes your intentions crystal clear, science still offers wa...

Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat

View All Step 1 of 7 Fruits and vegetables All fruits and vegetables, due to their rich nutrient and fiber content, help to combat chronic inflammation, so make sure to include adequate amounts of these foods daily. Some types of fresh produce, however, are even more potent than others. Some terrific anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables to include in your meal plan include apples, berries, broccoli, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple, and spinach.

Top 6 Foods That Boost Your sexual Life

For a couple in a marital relationship, physical intimacy is a way to express and enhance their love. The way you hold your partner, the small hugs, a tiny kiss and the way you look into your beloved’s eyes, all make a difference in your relationship. If you feel the level of physical intimacy in your relationship dropping considerably and you are in a desperate need to boost it up, there are some foods that can provide you with a solution. Certain foods can help you boost the physical aspect of your love life. So, take a look at six of them. 1. Boost your love with Almonds Almonds are a great source of adding essential fatty acids in the body. These fatty acids are responsible for producing various important hormones required by men for enhancing their physical relationships. Smell of almonds also helps in arousing passion in women. Almonds can help you boost your physical relations. So, add raw almonds in your diet, sans any salt or sweetener. 2. Figs impro...

Women’s Health – 9 Factors That Affect The Health Of The v**ina!!!

Vaginal health is an important part of a woman’s overall health. Vaginal problems can affect your fertility, desire for s*x and ability to reach climax. Ongoing vaginal health issues can also affect other areas of your life, causing stress or relationship problems and impacting your self-confidence. What affects vaginal health? The v**ina is a closed muscular canal that extends from the vulva — the outside of the female private part area — to the neck of the uterus (cervix). Various factors can affect your v**ina, some modifiable and some not. They include - 1. Unprotected s*x. You might contract a sexually transmitted infection if you have unprotected s*x. 2. Aggressive s*x or pelvic fracture. Forceful s*x or an injury to the pelvic area can result in vaginal trauma. 3. Certain health conditions. Diabetes and Sjogren’s syndrome — an autoimmune disorder — can cause vaginal dryness. 4. Medications and feminine-hygiene products. Prolonged use of antibiotics i...

Why Catholic Church Is Against Use Of Condom – CCFN Reveals

The use of condom is not allowed in the Catholic Church to fight HIV/AIDS and as a family planning mechanism because “the sexual act is ordained by God for a purpose”, the Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria has said. The CCFN however suggested “change in behaviour” which it said, was better than the use of condom in the crusade against HIV/AIDS. The Director, Church and Society, in the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria and Executive Secretary of CCFN, Rev. Fr. Evaristus Bassey, said these in an interview in Abuja during a Town Hall meeting and Quiz Competition organised to mark the Worlds AIDS Day. He said, “We preach behavioural change in the Catholic Church. Even last Sunday in church, I preached to over 3,000 members of the congregation about behavioural change. The church believes in the power of the word to convince. “It’s not a human thing, the spirit of God is there. If people make up their mind to change their lives, they can do away with all thes...

Get A Silky Smooth Skin Without That Expensive Spa TagA Fun DIY For A Silk Smooth Skin

Everyone loves a smooth radiant skin, it s definitely beautiful! Guess what? you have the ingredients right inside your kitchen! THE SWEET CUCUMBER MASK The sweet cucumber mask should be a regular beauty regimen. It helps make skin very soft and supple in the end, you notice the silkiness of your skin almost immiediately afterwards. This is a simple D I Y to try at home. You need the following: 1 medium cucumber, peeled and diced 1 teaspoon brown sugar 2 teaspoons white sugar Directions •             Mash ingredients together using a fork or food processor. •             Apply thick mask over entire face. •             Leave on for 20 minutes. •   ...

How To Delay Ejaculation To Last Longer In Bed

How To Delay Ejaculation To Last Longer In Bed Premature ejaculation can get you down and ruin your sex life. Learn to delay ejaculation and last longer in bed by trying these simple tips to delay and prolong ejaculation. This will enable you and your partner to enjoy a healthy sex life. Kegel exercises - Kegel exercises can help you prolong ejaculation. Kegels are those muscles that you use for controlling urination. So, flex these muscles about 30 times a day to delay ejaculation. Squeeze technique - Prolong ejaculation and delay it by holding the tip of the head of the penis. Squeezing the tip of the penis can help control premature ejaculation. Testes - The scrotum rises as a man reaches orgasm and is on the verge of ejaculation. So, delay ejaculation by pulling the scrotum away from the body. Change focus - Rather than concentrating on ejaculation, concentrate on your partner's pleasure. Combination of thrusts - Delay ejaculation or male orgasm b...