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How Not to Be Offended By Every Little Thing Your Spouse Does

bmwkcouplemadThere are many elements of a healthy marriage. Some of them are unique to your specific relationship. However, forgiveness is one of those things that is a part of every healthy marriage. As spouses, each of you does things on a daily basis that can offend the other person. Husbands – a harsh word that feels unnecessary. Wives – a sharp short answer that could have been expressed differently. These two examples may not be your shortcoming, but take a look at your life, at your marriage. You, like the rest of us have shortcomings. Those shortcomings can lead to offense on either side and in that there is much room for forgiveness.
Without forgiveness hearts will become hard and offense will come more easily. That little thing you thought was cute when you first got married will begin to get on your nerves at the drop of a hat. This can lead to a rough married life.
Mountains Out of Mole Hills
Forgiveness doesn’t have to be hard. It’s a decision you make. The road it takes to get to forgiveness that may take a while. Search your heart and forgive as soon as possible. Don’t let stuff linger; get it right. My mom and maybe your mom too, had a saying,
Well, that’s what happens when unforgiveness sets in. Little things that go unresolved, like not taking out the trash are mole hills. Left unattended, they grow and before you know it you have a mountain.
Before You Get Offended
Forgiveness is necessary when you have been offended, no matter how great or small the offense. However, here is a thought – before getting to the place of offense, begin to overlook some of that stuff that really doesn’t matter when you look at the big picture. You see, an offense doesn’t have to be accepted. Offenses will come your way every day, but you can begin to send the offense packing. You don’t have to accept an offense that does not belong to you. Being offended does not feel good.
Refuse to let simple things rock your boat.
Yes, there are truly some things that should not be overlooked. You tell your truth; you know what should be overlooked and what needs to be forgiven in your marriage. For the health of your marriage take an honest look at where forgiveness needs to be exercised. It doesn’t mean you will forget the offense, but forgiveness will allow the wounds of offense to begin healing.
Forgiveness is something we all need and something we can all extend. It’s an element needed for a healthy marriage. Let it be a part of yours.


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